Saturday, 20 August 2016

Interracial Couple Stabbed After White Supremacist Sees Them Kissing

If these stories fill you with hope for a new white America, vote Trump in November. Remember, every vote and every stab is step closer to what Republicans see as a renewal to greatness. Story out of Olympia, Washington:

An interracial couple was attacked after a self-proclaimed white supremacist saw them kissing outside a Washington restaurant, police said.

Daniel Rowe, 32, came up to the African-American man and the white woman and, without a word, started stabbing them, said Olympia police spokeswoman Laura Wohl.

The man, who was stabbed in the hip, was able to tackle the suspect and restrain him on the ground until police arrived. His injuries were minor, as were the woman's.

The man confessed to stabbing the couple, saying he was a white supremacist, Wohl said.

Rowe also complained about the Black Lives Matter movement, and had tattoos that said 'Skinhead' and 'White Power,' Wohl said.

Investigators are treating the attack as a hate crime and Rowe has been charged with 2 counts of first degree assault and one count of malicious harassment under Washington State's "hate crime" law. Cont.

Story from - CNN

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