Friday, 18 December 2015

30% Of GOP Voters Would Bomb A Fictional City

Almost one-third of Republican primary voters would support bombing the fictional kingdom of Agrabah, according to a report released by Public Policy Polling on Friday.

More than 530 Republican primary voters were polled this week on their support for Republican candidates and foreign policy issues including banning Muslims from entering the US, Japanese internment camps from the second world war and bombing Agrabah, the kingdom from Disney’s animated classic, Aladdin.

Republican primary voters polled by the PPP aren’t just worried about Agrabah. Of those polled, 36% believe that thousands of Arabs in New Jersey cheered when the World Trade Center collapsed on 9/11. About 54% of those polled support banning Muslims from entering the United States and 46% support the creation of a national database of Muslims in the United States.

Public Policy Polling also polled Democratic primary voters: only 19% of them said they would support bombing Agrabah, while 36% said they would oppose it. Cont.

Story from - The Guardian
Image from - Victoria Wong - Flickr
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