Tuesday 1 March 2016

Bill O’Reilly Loses Custody Of His Two Children

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has lost custody of his two teenage children after they reportedly said they would prefer to live with their mother following an alleged domestic violence incident, according to court documents.

As reported by Gawker, Mr O’Reilly’s two children, 13 and 17, will live full time with his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy.

The decision taken by a Nassau County Supreme Court justice last year that the children should live with their mother was appealed by the news host to delay its enforcement.

According to the 1,400 word opinion issued on 24 February, the court’s four justices unanimously ruled in his ex-wife’s favour based upon “the clearly stated preferences of the children” and the “quality of the home environment provided by the mother”.

Mr O’Reilly’s 17-year-old daughter told a court-appointed forensic examiner last year that she saw her father dragging her mother down a staircase by the neck. Cont.

Story from - Independent
Image from - DonkeyHotey

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