Wednesday 9 March 2016

Volunteer Cheerleading Coach Fired For Standing Against Racism

Story out of Boaz, Alabama:

It was a normal day at practice for the Boaz youth cheerleaders until the team's assistant vice president Brian McCracken and his friend Brian McDowell showed up wearing shirts that said “The original boys in the hood” with a picture of a burning cross and a KKK member another that said “White Pride”.

"It's awful,” former volunteer cheerleading coach Kayleigh Tipton said. “I mean, I don't stand for it, I don't want my kids around it. No one I know wants their kids around anything like that."

Tipton complained to Commissioner Kenny Jones about the tee shirts.

"We ended up taking care of the situation, we informed the parents they are no longer allowed to wear that type of shirt to any NAYF functions,”

Jones said. “We have zero tolerance for any kind of discriminatory apparel or anything."

Tipton says the next time she went to practice, Vice President for Boaz Cheer Melynnda McCracken asked her not to come back as a volunteer coach. Cont.

Story from - WAFF 48

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