Friday, 28 October 2016

'I See Trump Lying In Sh*t' - Documentary Explores The Hell Trump Puts People Of Balmedie, Scotland Threw Over Luxury Golf Course

“I see Donald Trump lying in the road there,” grins Scottish farmer Michael Forbes, pointing to a ripe mound of horse shit occupying the pavement outside the 2016 Republican National Convention, in the new documentary sequel You’ve Been Trumped, Too. Pointedly rushed into release to be seen by American audiences before Nov. 8, the Election Day urgency is obvious, and even the laughs are edged with a bittersweet dread and panic.

Forbes is one of the residents of Balmedie, Scotland, who’s been waging a David vs. Goliath battle for years against Trump over a luxury golf course that opened in 2012 right down the road. The development of the new Trump International Golf Links ruined protected natural sand dunes, failing spectacularly to deliver on a plethora of lofty promises Trump had personally made to local citizens and politicians—namely, economic growth and thousands of new jobs.

More impressively, the debacle managed to turn most of Scotland against the GOP nominee, who was stripped of various honorary Scottish accolades over the course of his presidential campaign. A petition to have him banned from the U.K. racked up half a million signatures. Even Prime Minister David Cameron was forced to condemn Trump on the floor of Parliament over his anti-Muslim comments. In Aberdeen, Trump was greeted upon his arrival to the course’s grand opening with a display of Mexican flags flying defiantly over the homes of his pissed-off neighbors. Cont. (Video)

Story from - The Daily Beast

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