Friday 11 March 2016

Jail Bans Photos After Finding Them Soaked In Narcotics

Story out of Richmond, West Virginia:

Western Virginia Regional Jail inmates can no longer receive personal photos after officials intercepted pictures soaked in the narcotic-addiction treatment drug suboxone.

The pictures were saturated in a liquid form of the drug, Superintendent Bobby Russell said. Recipients of such photos can then chew them to absorb the contents.

Capt. Jim Murphy, who heads investigations at the New River Valley Regional Jail, said there are 10 outstanding cases so far this year related to suboxone. Though jail officials are trained to look for yellow or orange marks on paper that might indicate the drug, Murphy said in some cases it’s difficult to distinguish even white paper soaked in suboxone from uncontaminated letters. One document he saw recently — a coloring page that had not been filled in — bore few traces of tampering. Cont.

Story from - Richmond Times-Dispatch
Image from - Pixabay

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