Thursday 3 March 2016

"She Should Buried Under A Jail Somewhere” - Curt Schilling On Hillary Clinton

Curt Schilling, an MLB analyst for ESPN, joined Danny Parkins and Carrington Harrison on Kansas City’s 610 sports radio this afternoon. After some hot stove chat, discussion turned to politics around the 28-minute mark. Schilling was asked about the state of our nation today.

He was asked to weigh in on Hillary versus Trump. “If she’s allowed to get to the general election before she’s in prison I’ll be stunned and upset,” he said. “Because I think she’s shown her true colors all along the way and I’ll ask you this: Do you see her being anything even remotely different than what we’ve had?”

“I don’t care what her titles are,”he continued. “She’s done nothing. She’s done absolutely nothing to further the success of the middle class. She jumps on the backs of people who she wants to be dependent on government. She needs these people to be dependent on her.”

The host asked if Schilling thinks Hillary Clinton will go to prison. “I hope she does,” said Schilling. “If I’m gonna believe, and I don’t have any reason not to believe, that she gave classified information on hundreds if not thousands of emails on a public server after what happened to General Petraeus, she should buried under a jail somewhere.” Cont.

Story from - The Big Lead

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