Wednesday 22 June 2016

Wegmans Grocery Store Quick To Apologize After Refusing To Make A Cake For Ex-Muslim Group

Story out of Fairfax, Virginia:

To celebrate their third anniversary, the Ex-Muslims of North America recently contacted a Wegmans grocery store in Fairfax, Virginia with a simple request: They wanted to buy a cake with the group’s logo on it along with the phrase “Congratulations on 3 years!!”

They weren’t asking for a drawing of Muhammad or a statement condemning Islam. They just wanted a cake celebrating their existence.

It was too much for the store to handle:

… when the group’s staffers called to confirm the design and status of the cake, they report that a “rude bakery associate” denied the request, calling it “offensive.”

The organization’s initial attempts at getting an explanation from Wegmans were unsuccessful. Finally, an employee called the group back and explained that the cake was declined because the store did not want to advocate “one way or the other.” The worker said that the store has “a lot of employees who are Muslim,” and that “employees may not know what this stands for.”

Wegmans has responded saying they “should have made the cake.” They will address the issue with their store and the customers. Wegmans has offered to make up for the snub by charging nothing for the cake. Cont.

Story from - The Friendly Atheist/Freedom From Religion
Image from - _BuBBy_ - Flickr
cc 2.0

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