Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Woman Receives Online Hate After Photo Stolen For Fake Story

The photo of her family was originally posted with an article on the Milford Mirror in January 2015 about Karena Bennett’s son being the first baby born in the New Year at the Milford Hospital in Connecticut. The same photo resurfaced on Feb. 17 with a very different story. The headline read, “Detroit Woman Gives Birth to Her 14th Child from 14 Different Fathers” on WorldNewsDailyReport.com, a satirical entertainment news site.

The hoax is now going viral after Bennett was tagged in the story on Facebook by a former co-worker.

The article ties Bennett and her family’s image to the fabricated story of a woman named Anita Sullivan. As the story spread, it began to take an emotional toll on Bennett.

“I started getting more and more notifications on my Facebook,” she explained. “When people are really starting to make comments about your person, calling you ugly, calling you fat, those were the comments that really started to hurt me a lot. That’s where I started to break down, seeing comments from 30,000 people.” Cont. (Video/Autoplay)

Story from - ABC News

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