Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Amazon Employee Jumps Off 12-Story Building After Being Put In "Improvement Plan"
With Scientology back in the news, Amazon sounds like a cult. But instead of Thetans, it's Bezos.
Story out of Seattle, Washington:
An Inc. employee was injured when he leaped off a building at the company’s Seattle headquarters in what police characterized as a suicide attempt.
The man, who wasn’t identified by authorities, sent an e-mail visible to hundreds of co-workers, including Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos, before the incident occurred, according to a person familiar with the matter. The man survived the fall from Amazon’s 12-story Apollo building at about 8:45 a.m. local time Monday and was taken to a Seattle hospital, police said.
The man had recently put in a request to transfer to a different department, but was placed on an employee improvement plan, a step that can lead to termination if performance isn’t improved, said the person, who asked not to be identified discussing company personnel matters. More than 20,000 people work in multiple buildings at Amazon’s headquarters.
In the email, the man expressed criticism of how the company handled his transfer request, and he hinted that he might harm himself, according to the person.
The online retailer has taken steps to soften its image as a difficult employer since a New York Times story last year portrayed the company as a bruising workplace where employees were encouraged to take advantage of one another to get ahead. Amazon disputed the characterization of the company. Cont.
Story from - Financial Post
Woman Stabs Boyfriend After Requesting Him To Drink Her Blood
Wouldn't it be great if the argument was something mundane while she stands there bleeding, like coupons or letting the dog in.
Story out of Springfield, Missouri:
Prosecutors have filed charges of domestic assault and armed criminal action against a woman who told police she stabbed her boyfriend after he used a box cutter to cut her arm and drink her blood.
According to a probable cause statement from police, the attack happened Wednesday, November 23 at a house in Springfield. When police got there, they found the boyfriend covered in a large amount of blood and when Vanatter came to the door, she was also covered in blood.
The boyfriend had an open wound on his left shoulder, but he told police the injuries were self-inflicted. According to the court documents, Vanatter told police she asked the boyfriend to cut her arm and suck her blood. But the two began arguing, Vanatter said, and the boyfriend hit her several times. Vanatter says she grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the shoulder. Cont.
Story from - Ozarks First
Polish Man Declared Dead After Drinking Too Much, Wakes Up In Morgue, Heads Back To Bar
Dangerous amount of booze? "The only dangerous amount is none." - Homer Simpson
Story out of Kamienna Gora, Poland:
A man who was pronounced dead after drinking too much on a night out woke up in the morgue before heading back to the pub.
At least that is what is being claimed happened in Kamienna Gora in Poland, where a 25-year-old named Kamil is said to have briefly been thought to have died.
According to Spiesa, the story starts with Kamil taking part in a heavy drinking session but after having one too many vodkas, he collapses and is taken to hospital where he is declared dead.
However, the same day a guard at the hospital is said to have heard strange noises coming from the morgue, opening the door he finds a naked corpse who asks for a blanket.
After that police were called, Kamil’s identity established, medical tests carried out before he was finally told he could go home.
The story concludes with the 25-year-old, having recently cheated death, heading back to pub. Cont.
Story from - Metro
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Watch Bull Attack SUV During Bull Run In Spain
I'm on the bull's side, fuck that SUV.
Story out of Guadalajara, Spain:
This is the moment a rampaging bull nearly tipped over a four-wheel drive with its horns as scared passengers inside took cover.
The hulking beast can be seen running up a street and towards the car which was parked on the side of the road at a Spanish bull festival in the province of Guadalajara.
The fearsome bull then began its attack on the vehicle by planting one of its horns on the right side of the car.
The relentless bovine stabbed the car so deeply that liquid from the engine can be seen flushing out from above the wheel.
After around 20 seconds of goring the car and terrifying the people inside, who clambered to the back of the vehicle during the onslaught, the bull tired.
But instead of taking a few moments to catch its breath it started running towards scores of revelers in the road who were taunting the bull to chase them.
Running of the bulls festivals are common in Spain and Portugal and involve daredevils trying to evade cattle after they have been let loose on the street. Cont.
Story from - Daily Mail
Video from - Animals Life - YouTube
'Nutzy' - Cafe In Trouble For Selling Nazi Themed Smoothie
Can we all just stop and appreciate the name of the store?
Story out of London, England:
A cafe in East London has apologised after a member of the public spotted that it appeared to be stocking a Nazi-themed smoothie - complete with swastika on the label.
After remonstrating with staff, the customer contacted the Campaign Against Antisemitism, telling them: “I entered the coffee shop Nin Com Soup in Old Street Tube Station to get a drink. In their fridge they had various smoothies, each with a big number on them to differentiate the flavours. One drink didn’t have a number but a large swastika, and the label said it was called ‘Nutzy’. I went to the staff at the counter to discuss this and they called their manager.
“He explained that it was an inverted swastika which was a Hindu symbol of health and prosperity, which is indeed right but the swastika was not inverted, and the Hindu sign includes dots within the symbol. When I asked about the name of the drink, he said it was a play on ‘having the nuts’, meaning ‘having the courage’ and was a pun as the drink contains nuts.
"I told him how offensive that was for certain people. He asked why I would find that so offensive, to which I responded that I lost my family to the Nazi regime and that despite the Hindu use of the symbol, this along with the name of the drink was extremely offensive. He said that London is a free city.
Nincomsoup issued an apology on its website, stating that a 'rogue employee' had been responsible. Cont.
Story from - The Telegraph
Image from - Campaign Against Antisemitism
Woman Arrested For Shoplifting, Throwing Dog Into Traffic, And Defecating In Back Of Patrol Car
Story out of Hollywood, Florida:
According to an arrest report, employees at a 7-Eleven convenience store called 911 Sunday after they saw Arlene Mena, 28, of Hallandale Beach, stealing three Yuengling beers.
An officer spotted Mena crossing South Ocean Drive and ordered her to stop and sit on the ground.
Police said Mena, who was carrying a small dog, tried to run away but fell down about 10 yards away and threw the dog into oncoming traffic.
The officer put Mena into hand restraints and put her into the back of his patrol car.
Police said the officer then chased Mena's dog, almost getting struck by multiple vehicles in the process.
The dog was eventually picked up unharmed.
Police said the officer drove Mena back to the store so he could complete his report, and Mena continued to kick the back seat window and bang on the plexiglass partition with her hands.
Police said the officer warned Mena that she would be pepper-sprayed if she did not stop kicking the window, but when she continued, he sprayed her through the lowered rear window.
As retaliation, Mena urinated, defecated and spat in the back of the patrol car, the report said.
Mena was taken to the Broward County Jail, where she is being held on charges of animal cruelty, petty theft, causing damage to property and resisting an officer without violence. Cont.
Story from - ABC News
After Playing Grand Theft Auto 11-Year-Old Leads Police On High Speed Chase
I dread to think what the kid's going to do once he's introduced to Trevor.
Story out of Toronto, Ontario:
An 11-year-old boy was caught driving his parent’s vehicle after playing a video game and wanting to see what driving a real vehicle would be like.
Sgt. Kerry Schmidt said they received multiple calls for a vehicle being driven erratically on Highway 400 on Saturday night just before midnight.
“Drivers called it in thinking it was an impaired driver because the vehicle was all over the highway,” Sgt. Schmidt said.
Police pursued the vehicle but the driver refused to pull over, instead travelling at half the speed limit before accelerating to well over the limit.
Police eventually managed to pull the vehicle over without incident.
Schmidt said the boy was returned to his parents custody. Cont.
Story from - City News
Monday, 28 November 2016
Christian Woman In Trouble After Telling Autistic Boy How Much She Hates Rainbows And Gay People
As a society, we should replace the word Christian with asshole, that way when you ask what religion someone is, they say:
"I'm an asshole."
Story out of Cornwall, England:
Some rainbows are gay, get over it.
Conversely, some rainbows are religious, others are just formed thanks to reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets.
However you look at it, nobody can claim to have more rainbow rights than others.
But one Christian has got all hot under the collar because she doesn’t approve of same-sex relationships and hit out at the the adoption of the rainbow as a symbol of gay pride.
So much so that she told a 14-year-old autistic boy at Brannel School, Cornwall, and that landed her a written warning that will be on her record for 12 months.
She said that he had asked her what her beliefs were, and so she told him.
But now, Vicky Allen wants the warning to be rescinded and some compensation.
She is due at Bodmin Magistrates’ Court for a hearing where she’s expected to say she is being discriminated against because of her Christian beliefs. Cont.
Story from - Metro
"I Voted For Trump" - Woman Goes On Racist Rant For Being Offered $1 Reusable Bag
Story out of Chicago Illinois:
The offer of a $1 reusable bag erupted into a meltdown by a woman who proclaimed she had voted for Donald Trump and was being discriminated against by African-American employees at a Chicago arts and crafts store.
Jessie Grady said she had just gone through the checkout line at Michaels and was standing at the exit showing her 2-year-old child a Christmas ornament. According to Grady, the customer, who is white, went into a “30-minute racist rant complete with yelling and cursing and repeated references to the fact that both employees were African-American."
The customer says in the video that the store associate was trying to “force me” into buying a reusable bag for her larger items.
“Yes, I voted for Trump, so there. You want to kick me out because of that? And look who won,” the customer said.
Grady said the yelling had been going on for several minutes before she started recording the confrontation on video because she wanted to document it for store employees to “keep them from getting in trouble for no reason” because “the customer is always right.” Cont.
Story from - Patch
Video from - The Beautiful Wild Magazine - YouTube
3-Year-Old Dies After War Monument Topples
Story out of Sydney, Australia:
A three-year-old Sydney girl crushed by a stone monument died in front of her siblings and parents, devastated friends have revealed.
Indy Lee Henderson, from the western Sydney suburb of Airds, died on Saturday evening when a group of children were playing on a war memorial out the front of the Black Head Bowling at Hallidays Point, between Forster and Taree on the NSW Mid North Coast.
Police said Indy Lee was standing behind the stone slab as another girl was playing on top of it. The extra weight may have caused it to keel over and crush her.
Indy Lee's mother was among many people who rushed out of the bowling club and tried to lift the slab when children, including her siblings, started screaming.
The girl was taken to Manning Rural Referral Hospital but died from her injuries. Cont. (Video/Autoplay)
Story from - The Sydney Morning Herald
Jewelry Store Owner Shoots Employee, Then Kills Self
Story out of Coral Springs Florida:
The owner of a jewelry and watch repair shop shot and wounded one of his employees, then killed himself Saturday morning during an incident that temporarily closed Coral Square Mall.
Gus Kiriazis, 59, who owns Fast-Fix, came into the store and shot Sabas Antonio Ferrer, 52, a store employee, police said. Kiriazis then turned the gun on himself, said Detective Ernesto Bruna, Coral Springs police spokesman.
Ferrer was taken to North Broward Health in Deerfield Beach, Bruna said. He was listed in stable condition Saturday night.
Employees and customers were evacuated and the mall was placed on lockdown after the shooting shortly before 10 a.m. Police guarded each entrance with automatic weapons drawn as hordes of customers and employees waited in the parking lot.
At around 11:30 a.m., police said the western quadrant of the mall would remain closed as the investigation continued. Most of the mall, however, was reopened to holiday shoppers. Macy's, on the mall's western edge, was open, but its entrance into the mall corridors was blocked. Cont. (Video/Autoplay)
Story from - Sun Sentinel
Sunday, 27 November 2016
CVS Employees Lock Themselves In Safe Room After Black Man Asks For Cheese
This is such a fucked up story, I have to tell a white person joke:
Why can't white people jump? Inbreeding weakens the knees.
Story out of Richmond, Virginia:
What began as a spontaneous trip to the store ended up being one of the most bizarre experiences of Ricky Berry’s life.
Berry and his roommate said they walked into the CVS in Carytown and asked an employee if they sold sliced cheese. The worker kindly replied that they did not.
A few minutes later, the employee — all of the store employees, in fact — were nowhere to be found. Berry and his roommate, Philip Blackwell, said they were in the store with another customer for more than 30 minutes alone before an officer with the Richmond Police Department showed up.
As for the third customer who was as confused as the two roommates, Berry said, “he was in the store before we were actually. He had a bad tooth, all he wanted was some Orajel. That’s all he needed.”
“We were walking around trying to find an employee, and the cop himself ended up opening up the emergency door, which set the alarm off,” Berry explained. “A couple of minutes later, he got the call from the alarm company asking what was going on.”
So the officer joined in on the search for the missing employees. Berry recorded a video on his Snapchat account of what happened next.
“He was laughing with us because, like, this is how weird, apocalyptic movies start,” Berry said.
Eventually, the employees were found in the back of the store hiding in a locked room. After making a few calls, the officer told the customers they had to leave.
In one of the videos he recorded, Berry said, “We’re being kicked out because they were scared of us and hiding.”
Berry said the officer was kind and was just doing what he was told to do.
Multiple attempts to contact the store manager were denied, although a CVS spokesperson apologized and said the employee who called the police will be interviewed and possibly retrained. Cont.
Story from - WATE
Chess Master Falls To His Death Doing Parkour
Story out of Moscow, Russia:
A prominent young chess grandmaster has died after falling from a balcony while undertaking the extreme sport of parkour, said police.
Yuri Eliseev, 20, died late on Saturday after falling from the 12th storey of his apartment building in Moscow, according to Russian news reports.
The reports quoted police saying Eliseev died while trying to reach the balcony of a neighbouring apartment.
Eliseev was the world under-16 chess champion in 2012 and was given grandmaster status at just 17. Cont.
Story from - Metro
4 People, Including 2-Month-Old Found Dead In Alaska Hotel Room
Story out of Fairbanks, Alaska:
Four people, including a two-month-old baby, have been found dead in a hotel room as police investigate what they believe is a murder-suicide.
Police found the bodies of 54-year-old Linda Hutton, 22-year-old Emily McDonald, 22-year-old McKay Hutton and eight-week-old Teagan Hutton at a Hampton Inn in Fairbanks, Alaska on Friday.
It remains unclear who the shooter was, but police confirmed they were family, and McKay Hutton and McDonald were married just last year, according to their Facebook profiles.
A member of the hotel staff at a Hampton Inn in Fairbanks, Alaska, called the police at 1.25pm Friday, and they arrived to find a man crying in the second-floor hallway.
The man, who is not considered a suspect, directed authorities to a nearby room, where the four bodies were found with gunshot wounds.
Police say details involving the shooter and any motive is still under investigation. Cont.
Story from - Daily Mail
“Punk Was Never, Never Meant To Be Nostalgic” - Son of Sex Pistols Manager Burns $8 million Worth Of Memorabilia
Story out of London, England:
Don’t get nostalgic about punk music – and if you do, don’t go collecting memorabilia from the glory days of the Sex Pistols.
That seemed to be the message Saturday when the son of Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren and fashion designer Vivienne Westwood set fire to an extensive collection of punk memorabilia on a boat in central London.
Joe Corre claimed his collection of clothes, posters and other music-related items was worth 5 million pounds ($8.4 million).
He watched it go up in flames along with effigies of prominent British politicians loaded with fireworks.
Corre told the crowd watching his self-styled protest on the River Thames that “punk was never, never meant to be nostalgic.” Cont.
Story from - Global News
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Psychiatrist Breaks HIPPA Law To Warn Reporter Patient Is Going To Kill Her

Story out of Denver, Colorado:
Heidi Hemmat at KDVR Fox 31 in Denver has largely covered business fraud as an investigative journalist for her station, and Hemmat’s years of work have even yielded six Emmy Awards. In February 2015, Hemmat quite literally went dumpster diving at a local business, telling the enraged business owner, “We’re looking at all the receipts you threw away,” when confronted.
“I’ll call the sheriff right now,” the man says.
Hemmat promptly responds, “You probably should. They asked you not to throw these receipts away.”
Apparently, the business owner in that story would go on to make a threat against Hemmat’s life so credible that the man’s therapist broke HIPPA laws to inform Hemmat directly. And now, Hemmat has left Fox 31 abruptly and is now telling her story, claiming the station did not do enough to protect her life.
She details the sense of panic that overcame her when the therapist informed her of the business owner’s threats:
"The psychiatrist thought the threat was so credible, she broke HPPA laws (the laws that protect medical records of psychos, such as the theater shooter–James Holmes) to warn me. She informed me he was on a “72 hour mental hold” but because it was 4th of July weekend, (2015) he would likely be released before then. She then asked me if I had somewhere else I could go because he knew where I lived and of course, where I worked. I remember the chill than ran from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Of course I had nowhere to go! I have 2 children, then 1 and 3, I couldn’t just leave on a whim –where would I go?"
Hemmat alleges that her employers at Fox 31 “downplayed” the threats. Despite her years of outstanding work, she acknowledges that things have changed severely, further justifying her move. “Society has changed. People have changed. My physical and mental health were unraveling. As soon as that ratings period ended I took an unpaid leave of absence, and in August I asked to be let out of my contract. My boss sent out a note to the staff that failed to acknowledge my 15 years of service at KDVR, the 6 Emmy awards I had won for the station or the fact that I had literally put my life on the line. It just said ‘Heidi is no longer an employee of FOX 31.'” Cont.
Story from - Mediaite
Cop Critically Injured After Being Hit On The Head With Skateboard
Story out of South San Francisco, California:
A South San Francisco police officer is in critical condition Friday morning after being struck in the head with a skateboard, police said.
A citizen waved down the officer about a disturbance at a business. When the officer approached the suspect, he took off on his skateboard.
After a short foot chase, the suspect stopped and hit the officer in the head with the skateboard.
The officer was knocked unconscious and transported to a local hospital in critical condition.
The suspect continued running but was taken into custody a short time later by other officers. Cont.
Story from - KRON
Man In Wreck Decapitated After Car Got Stuck In Cruise Control
Story out of Thames Valley, England:
A driver made a terrified eight minute 999 call to say his car was stuck in cruise control doing more than 100mph before he slammed into a lorry and was instantly decapitated, an inquest has heard.
The moment he collided with the 18-tonne stationary lorry, which was parked in a lay-by, was heard by the police call handler, the inquest in Beaconsfield, Bucks., today heard.
Moments earlier he had told the operator that the cruise control on the modern car, which had a push-button to start and stop the engine rather than an ignition key, had stuck open.
Each time Mr Gandhi pushed it the engine screamed at high revs, topping speeds of 116mph before the final impact, which left the car embedded under the lorry all the way to the back wheels.
Emergency services who arrived at the scene soon after the crash found Mr Gandhi’s headless body in the wreckage.
The Skoda was found with its roof peeled off up to its rear wheels. Cont.
Story from - The Sun
Mother Tries To 'Help' Son With Cancer By Injecting Feces Into IV
Story out of Indianapolis, Indiana:
An Indiana mother is accused of injecting feces into her son’s IV bag while he was undergoing cancer treatments at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis.
Tiffany Alberts, 41, of Wolcott, Indiana, is charged with six counts of aggravated battery and one count of neglect of a dependent resulting in serious bodily injury.
Alberts’ 15-year-old son was being treated for cancer, and he had several unexplainable infections that were delaying treatment. Staff placed video surveillance in his room, and the video showed Alberts injecting an unknown substance into his IV bag with a syringe several times, court documents say.
Staff told police that Alberts’ son received his first round of chemotherapy for leukemia in September and went home. But several days later he returned to the hospital because he had a fever and diarrhea and was vomiting. The staff said his symptoms haven’t improved. He’s required several surgeries to changes his central venous line due to concern for infection, and he spent 18 days in the ICU.
Investigators questioned Alberts, and at first, she said she injected water into her son’s IV bag to “flush the line” because the “medicine that was given to him burned.” However, she later allegedly confessed that she injected fecal matter into the bag on multiple occasions. She says she did it to get her son moved to another unit at Riley that had better treatment, according to court documents.
The boy’s health improved once Alberts was removed from the hospital room, doctors said, but they worry they might have missed the time frame to keep his leukemia in remission. Cont.
Story from - KDVR
Child Abuse,
Friday, 25 November 2016
Thieves Run Over Cop With Motorcycles After Robbing Jewelry Story Of $1 Million
Story out of London, England:
The thugs were trying to flee luxury jewellery shop Chronext in Mayfair, central London, after the daring raid on August 3 when they knocked down a Met detective.
Dramatic footage shows them pulling up onto the pavement outside the upmarket watch store on scooters before breaking through the front door and smashing at the jewellery counters.
They shouted “don’t f****** move” at staff as they targeted millions of pounds worth of Rolex, Audemars Piguet and Patak Phillippe watches.
Plain-clothed officers had been lying in wait for the gang and can be seen in the footage chasing them out of the store armed with batons and Tasers.
The gang attempted to flee on their mopeds but DC Richard Watson, a 43-year-old Met Flying Squad detective, was left seriously injured with head wounds, broken ribs, a broken fibula and a bleed on the brain after being hit by a scooter ridden by Kavanagh.
All four pleaded guilty to conspiracy to rob at Blackfriars Crown Court while Kavanagh admitted causing injury by dangerous driving and Hopkins admitted unlawful wounding with reckless intent. Cont.
Story from - The Sun
Woman Left Permanently Disfigured After Childhood Friend Slashes Her Face With Wine Glass For Smiling
Story out of Sheffield, England:
A 25-year-old was left scarred for life when she was glassed by a woman because she smiled at her.
Rosie Skitt was attacked by 20-year-old Charlotte Green who accused the victim of looking at her in a 'sarcastic way.'
But Rosie said she recognised her attacker from her sister's football team when they were younger, and that she smiled across the bar 'to say hello.'
A court heard that Green then confronted sales administrator Rosie, asking 'do you have a problem with me?' before striking her with the wine glass.
Rosie, who needs further operations on her face, faced her attacker in court and told the hearing how she still suffers flashbacks and has to wear special camouflage make-up to conceal her scars.
Green, of Sheffield, initially pleaded not guilty to GBH with intent, which can carry a life sentence and was due to stand trial, but the prosecution accepted a lesser charge of GBH, which she admitted.
Dermot Hughes, representing the attacker, said she was remorseful and had found it difficult to come to terms with what she had done. Cont.
Story from - Daily Mail
White Man Kills Black Teen For Bumping Into Him
In Canada the story would have gone differently:
White man and black teen bumped into each other, an argument broke out about who was more apologetic and they became life long friends. The End.
Story out of Charleston, West Virginia:
A remorseless white man accused of shooting an unarmed black teenager to death in Charleston, West Virginia, after they bumped into each other Monday evening confessed and called his victim a “piece of trash,” police said.
William Pulliam, 62, was jailed on a charge of first-degree murder in the shooting of 15-year-old James Means, whose aunt said was a loving teen who “could put a smile on anybody’s face.” Police said Pulliam “expressed no remorse.”
“The way I look at it, that’s another piece of trash off the street,” Pulliam told investigators, according to a criminal complaint filed by Charleston Detective C.C. Lioi.
James bumped into Pulliam outside a dollar store and the two “exchanged words,” according to the complaint. Pulliam then walked into the store, and James went to sit on a friend’s nearby porch.
Clayton Ferguson, who was on the porch with James, told police that Pulliam later came out of the store and walked past them. Pulliam and James began arguing again, Ferguson told detectives, and when James walked across the street to confront him, Pulliam drew a gun and shot the teen twice. Cont.
Story from Huffington Post
West Virginia
"If He Wasn't My Father, I Would Spray Him With Mace" - Ivanka Trump Speaking Of Disgusting Father
A quote from Ivanka Trump surfaced Thanksgiving morning, showing her reaction to her father commenting on her appearance on a 2006 talk show.
Donald Trump, now the president-elect, has made numerous comments over the years regarding his eldest daughter's looks.
On Thanksgiving morning, journalist Sarah Kendzior tweeted out a remark from Ivanka Trump in an August 2006 "Quotables" section of The Chicago Tribune that revealed her reaction.
The 2006 quote came after an interview in which Trump said if Ivanka weren't his daughter "perhaps I'd be dating her." Cont.Never saw much reporting on Ivanka's response to Trump saying he wanted to date her: "If he wasn't my father, I would spray him with Mace."— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) November 24, 2016
Story from - The Hill
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Man Found Guilty After Punching 5-Month-Old In Face
Story out of Manchester, England:
Baby Elsie Rose was hit in the face at a Tesco store on Altrincham Road in Baguley, Manchester, on 5 September.
David Hardy, 64, of Longfield Road in Baguley, denied assault and told Manchester and Salford Magistrates' Court he thought the baby was a doll and it was a "dreadful mistake".
He was fined £900 and ordered to pay £500 costs and £100 compensation.
Elsie Rose was in a car seat placed in a shopping trolley next to her older sister when she was attacked.
Her mother Amy Ducker told the court she was left "absolutely distraught" by the incident, which happened after she had bumped into a neighbour who worked at the supermarket.
The neighbour had called her colleague, Hardy's wife, over to look at the "beautiful baby", she said.
She told the hearing Hardy had then approached and, without saying a word to her, punched the baby in the head.
The five-day-old child was taken to hospital and monitored overnight but was later discharged.
Finding him guilty, District Judge Sam Goozee dismissed Hardy's claim that he thought the child was a doll as "implausible." Cont.
Story from - BBC News
Child Abuse,
Mentally Disturbed Woman Leaves 14 Cats Trapped In House Until They Eat Each Other
Story out of Adelaide, Australia:
Disturbing footage shows animal rescue officers discovering the horrific, decomposing remains of cats strewn all over the house in Adelaide, Australia.
Amid the decaying bones and fur, only one small tabby had managed to cling on to life.
The woman, who reportedly has mental health issues, was convicted of animal cruelty and banned from keeping animals in Port Adelaide Magistrates Court.
Chief inspector Andrea Lewis said that when they arrived the surviving cat, later named Trooper by rescuers, was meowing urgently for them to open the door.
‘When RSPCA inspectors arrived at the property the one surviving cat, completely emaciated, was crying out for us to hurry up and open the door,’ she said.
Trooper was adopted into a new home earlier this year, and has since made a miraculous recovery. Cont. (Video)
Story from - Metro
Video from - Boogie Whiplash - YouTube
Woman Fed Up With House Guests Starts Shooting At Feet, Hitting Two In Leg

Story out of Bay County, Florida:
A Florida woman who thought her houseguests overstayed their welcome was arrested after she shot one of them, authorities said.
Alana Annette Savell, 32, was arrested Monday on a charge of aggravated battery with a firearm, Bay County Sheriff's Office officials said.
A woman told authorities that she had gone to Savell's home with a friend. Savell said they started drinking and were getting too loud, and said she didn't want them in her home.
Savell armed herself with a handgun and started shooting at their feet from the doorway of the home, officials said. The woman was hit in the legs and was taken to a hospital for treatment. Savell's boyfriend was also hit in the leg with a bullet during the shooting, authorities said. Cont.
Story from - WPTV
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Vietnam Vet Sets Himself On Fire Over Trump Argument
Story out of Akron, Ohio
A Vietnam veteran in Akron, Ohio, set himself on fire Saturday after becoming frustrated with locals in a coffee shop for not protesting President-elect Donald Trump vehemently enough, ABC 5 News Cleveland reports. The unnamed 69-year-old walked into Angel Falls Coffee around 9:15 a.m. and began engaging with customers about the recent protests. While about 300 marched against Trump recently in the nearby city of Cleveland, and thousands nationwide, the vet thought the demonstrations should be larger. “He seemed to be pro-rally, against Trump and he talked to my customers about how people needed to protest more against Trump,” Angel Falls Coffee shop owner Jim King told ABC News 5 Cleveland.
Dressed in a U.S. Marine Corps uniform and becoming upset, the man then left the coffee shop and handed a passerby his phone requesting they begin recording. Things turned gruesome – the vet then grabbed a can of gasoline from his car, doused himself in it, and set himself on fire. While the passerby didn’t take the video, witnesses were able to put out the flames with a fire extinguisher. “He was curled in a fetal position, perfectly still except for some hand movement and he was completely covered in ash,” said King.
The vet was taken to a nearby hospital where he is currently being treated in the burn unit. He is expected to survive. Cont.
Story from - Death And Taxes
'Time For A Tree And A Rope' - Texas Judge In Trouble For Racist Remarks
Story out of Burnet County, Texas:
The top elected official in Burnet County commented on Facebook that it is "time for a tree and a rope" in a post regarding the arrest of the man suspected of killing San Antonio police Det. Benjamin Marconi this weekend, according to a screenshot of the Facebook post.
The post is no longer on County Judge James Oakley's Facebook page, but a screenshot shows that the comment was posted from his personal Facebook account. Oakley did not immediately respond to requests for comment via Facebook and email Tuesday evening.
The blog PEC Truthwatch, run by Larry Landaker, who previously served on the Pedernales Electric Cooperative's board, blogged about Oakley's "tree and a rope" comment. Based on the time stamps in the image, the blog seems to use the same screenshot that Walker took.
"What Mr. Oakley suggested was racist," the blog post read. "A sitting County Judge in Texas has suggested that a black man accused of a crime ... should be lynched. ... There is no place on the PEC board of directors for an open racist. This is not political correctness. It is racism in its rawest form." Cont.
Story from - Statesman
"Thunderstorm Asthma" - Two Dead As Wild Weather In Australia Causes Health Problems
Story out of Victoria, Australia:
Two people have died and thousands more have been impacted by so-called "thunderstorm asthma" caused by wild winds coinciding with a high pollen count in Melbourne.
Hospitals in the Victorian capital reported a spike in patients with breathing troubles showing up at emergency departments overnight, with Ambulance Victoria even forced to issue a special alert on Twitter.
Ambulance Victoria confirmed to the Huffington Post Australia on Tuesday that two people passed away in the asthma thunderstorm event. The two people who died had breathing issues, authorities told reporters.
The surge of wild weather also tore roofs off homes after a day in which metro temperatures reached 38 degrees. The State Emergency Service reportedly logged more than 350 calls for assistance. Cont.
Story from - Huffington Post
Man Stabs Father In Neck For Trying To Circumcise Him
Story out of Miami, Florida:
Alex Fultz, 20, was arrested Sunday on a charge of attempted felony murder.
According to a police report, Fultz's father was asleep on a sofa in his bedroom when Fultz, armed with a knife, entered and stabbed his father in the neck. Police said Fultz then dropped the knife and left.
Police said officers later spotted Fultz walking toward them, both of his hands raised in the air.
Fultz told police that he was angry at his father because he wanted to cut the foreskin on Fultz's penis, and Fultz was scared that it would hurt, the report said. Fultz said his father didn't listen to him and didn't want to take him to a urologist, so Fultz stabbed him because he was angry, the report said. Cont. (Video)
Story from - ABC News
Domestic Abuse,
Man With 'Love Trumps Hate' Sign Sent Package Filled With Explosives
Story out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
A man was injured early Tuesday when he opened a package containing an explosive device in his Center City apartment, police said.
Police Commissioner Richard Ross said the victim appeared to be the intended target.
Ross said the bomb squad described the explosive as a "victim activated device" that was sent specifically to the 60-year-old man, who triggered it when he opened the package in his home.
The victim apparently thought the package contained his asthma medication, Ross said. A motive was not immediately clear.
Ross did not know specifically what the explosive was made from, but said it caused injuries to the victim's face, chest, and hands, and that it could have started a fire inside the building.
The victim, whom Ross did not identify but said worked as a caterer, was reported in stable condition at Jefferson University Hospital.
Hours after the explosion, investigators remained at the townhouse, which has a rainbow "Love Trumps Hate" sign in the front window. Cont.
Story from -
Killer Made Victim Dig His Own Grave
Story out of Indianola, Mississippi:
Prosecutors filed an aggravated murder charge Monday against a Mt. Pleasant man for allegedly making a man dig his own grave before killing him.
Raul Francisco Vidrio, 19, is charged in 4th District Court with killing 22-year-old Wesley Dee Nay, whose remains were found by hunters Oct. 19 in a remote wooded area on the border of Utah and Sanpete counties.
A search of Vidrio's cellphone revealed a haunting photo, his charges allege.
"A deleted image was recovered from Mr. Vidrio's phone that appears to be Mr. Nay digging his own grave," the charges state. "The image depicts Mr. Nay in the same clothing he was last seen in … digging a hole in a grassy meadow that strongly resembles the location where his remains were found."
Charred bones, including a human skull, were found in the remote area, along with burned pieces of wood. The Utah State Medical Examiner's Office identified Nay through dental records and concluded he had suffered blunt force injuries, as well as stab wounds. His body was in a shallow grave. Cont.
Story from - Desert News Utah
Geocache Causes Panic At Police Department
Story out of Regina, Saskatchewan:
The Regina Police Service evacuated its lobby after a geocache container was dropped off on Tuesday.
A concerned citizen walked into the police headquarters with a suspicious package found in a local park.
As a precaution, the lobby was evacuated, the front doors were locked and a bomb disposal unit was brought in to inspect the package.
It was determined the package was not a threat.
Geocaching is a treasure hunt of sorts that involves using a global positioning system to find hidden containers. Cont.
Story from - CBC News
Man Arrested After Supplying Drug Addicts With Elephant Tranquilizer, Leading To Overdoses
Story out of Huntington, West Virginia:
An Ohio man was accused of distributing an elephant sedative to people, which, according to federal prosecutors, resulted in about two dozen overdoses in a West Virginia city.
On Monday, prosecutors charged 22-year-old Bruce Lamar Griggs of Akron, Ohio, with distributing carfentanil and fentanyl, local news organizations reported.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, carfentanil is an elephant sedative that is 100 times more potent than fentanyl. Fentanyl is an opioid used as part of anesthesia to help prevent pain
Griggs was charged Aug. 26 with heroin distribution in connection with 27 overdoses that resulted in two deaths on Aug. 15 in Huntington, West Virginia. Many of the overdoses were in an area surrounding one apartment complex in the city, leading officials to believe the cases were connected. Cont.
Story from - CBS News
West Virginia
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Triple Murder Suicide - Former Mormon Missionary Murders Wife, Two Young Daughters
Story out of Stafford, Virginia:
A year-and-a-half after he went missing 11 days after the birth of his second child, former Mormon missionary Lance Buckley, 35, was discovered dead along with his wife and two young daughters.
The Stafford County Sheriff's Office in Virginia said in a statement cited by Fox 5 D.C. that Buckley, his 30-year-old wife, Amy, their 5-year-old daughter, Claire, and 17-month-old daughter, Abigail, were found dead inside a home last Thursday in the Windsor Forest subdivision in the northwestern part of the county.
Earlier that day, authorities said they received a 911 call from a man identifying himself as Lance Buckley reporting a murder-suicide at their family's home who then hung up the phone. Stafford County sheriff deputies later found the lifeless bodies of the family members on their arrival at the home.
On Monday, Arkuie Williams, state administrator for the chief medical examiner, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that Lance Buckley's death was a suicide, while the deaths of his wife and daughters were classified as homicides.
A "grief responders team" was reportedly at Rockhill Elementary School in Stafford last Friday where young Claire was a student.
Officials noted in a statement that the professionals were on hand to help students and staff cope because although the incident did not take place on school property "we know it can have an impact on our school community." Cont.
Story from - The Christian Post
ISIL-Affiliated Extremist Group Executes 100-Year-Old Man
Story out of Egypt:
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis – ISIS-affiliated extremist group in Egypt – has released images purporting to show the execution of a 100-year-old man.
The group, who rebranded as ISIS-Sinai when they pledged allegiance to the extremist group holding swathes of Iraq and Syria, killed Sheikh Sulaiman Abu Haraz after kidnapping him earlier.
Pictures were posted on the Twitter accounts of the group's supporters. They showed one of the men, elderly with a white beard and kneeling in an orange jumpsuit with his neck pressed against a steel stand. Masked ISIS executioners dressed in black raised long swords over his head.
Locals identified the man as the blind Sufi sheikh Suleiman Abu Heraz, who was abducted two weeks ago from his farm south of the peninsula's town of el-Arish. The second man was identified as sheikh Said Abdel-Fattah, a top Religious Endowment cleric abducted a month ago. Cont.
Story from - American Herald Tribune
Listen To 911 Call Of 63-Year-Old Woman Being Attacked By Bear
Story out of Frederick, Maryland:
A 63-year-old Maryland woman survived an attack by a black bear by punching it, and when that didn't work, she played dead, her husband said Thursday at the hospital where she's recovering.
"She said she punched him in the face a couple times," Ronald Osborne said. "She's a tough babe."
She was listed in good condition with a broken left arm and bite wounds on her head and torso that required more than 70 stitches, her husband said. He said she was in a lot of pain and didn't want to be interviewed.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources wildlife specialists tracked and euthanized the 200-pound female bear under a policy mandating death for bears that attack people, said Candy Thomson, a Natural Resources Police spokeswoman. Cont. (Video/Autoplay)
Story from - New York Daily News
Woman Shocked To Find Holocaust Jacket At Tag Sale, Buys It For $2
Story out of New York City, New York:
The blue and grey stripes struck Jillian Eisman like a lightning bolt.
She was rummaging through a packed closet during a Long Island tag sale when she immediately recognized the symbol of horror and hate: A jacket worn by a prisoner at the Nazi Dachau concentration camp during The Second World War.
"I knew exactly what it was, even before I saw the numbers (84679 on the chest)," said Eisman, who purchased the jacket for $2 at the sale last year and donated it to the Kupferberg Holocaust Center in New York City.
Curators there not only put the jacket on display but also unearthed the story of the person who wore it: a teenager forced to make munitions for the German war effort, spent four years in a relocation camp and then came to America, never telling his children much about Dachau or that he kept the jacket.
The story of Benzion Peresecki - who later became Ben Peres - is told in extraordinary detail, thanks largely to the serial number and careful records he kept and that his daughter found long after he died.
"It was known to us that my father and grandmother had both been in the Holocaust," said Lorrie Zullo, who was 13 when her father died of a stroke in 1978. "We knew he had a brother who had been killed. But he did not talk about it much."
Holocaust historians say jackets such as the one saved by Peres are fairly rare, since most of the clothing worn by concentration camp prisoners was burned because of lice and other potential diseases. Also, most freed prisoners didn't want to keep reminders of their horrifying ordeal. Cont.
Story from - CTV News
Running Of The Bull - Bull Escapes Trade Show, Disrupts Traffic In Regina, Saskatchewan
Story out of Regina, Saskatchewan:
Regina had its own running of the bull on Tuesday morning — right on a busy street during rush hour.
Pat McGillicky shot video of the wandering bull at the corner of Dewdney Avenue and Lewvan Drive.
That's close to Evraz Place where the Agribition agricultural trade show is currently underway.
Just after 8 a.m., before the sun came up, the bull was seen trotting in front of cars at the corner.
Police were on the scene controlling traffic while officials tried to catch the animal. Cont.
Story from - CBC News
Agribition must be in town #yqr— Pat McGillicky (@PatMcGillicky) November 22, 2016
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Says Children's Literacy NOT A Fundamental Right
Detroit school children have no fundamental right to literacy, according to Gov. Rick Snyder’s attorneys, in the midst of a suit claiming the poor reading skills of Detroit students at five schools, deplorable building conditions, and lack of basic classroom necessities are the fault of the state.
A California public interest law firm is representing seven Detroit public school students who believe the education they are getting is substandard and essentially want the courts to rule that literacy is a fundamental constitutional right reports WWJ legal analyst Charlie Langton.
The lawsuit says the schools are in “slum-like conditions” and “functionally incapable of delivering access to literacy.” The case, filed in federal court, directly accuses Gov. Rick Snyder, the state school board and others of violating the civil rights of low-income students. Cont.
Story from - CBS Detroit
5 Children Die After School Bus Crashes
Story out of Chattanooga, Tennessee:
At least five children have been killed and more than 20 were injured in a school bus crash in Chattanooga, Tennessee Monday afternoon, according to officials.
Twenty three of the 35 students on-board the bus were transported to area hospitals, according to Chattanooga Police Chief Fred Fletcher. The immediate cause of the crash was unknown.
Fletcher described accident as a "single-driver incident." The Chattanooga Fire Department tweeted photos of the accident that appeared to show that the bus flipped over after it struck a tree.
A criminal investigation has been launched into the accident, according to NBC affiliate WRCB, and the school bus driver is said to be cooperating with police. Cont.
Story from - NBC News
Update - Mother who had three children on the bus, one of whom died says moments before crash driver asked 'are you all ready to die?'
"Fake Love Scam" - Scam Artist Tricks 92-Year-Old Man Out Of Life Savings
Story out of Cook County, Illinois:
It’s called the “Fake Love Scam,” and it’s heartbreaking.
Younger people woo and even marry elderly victims and then strip them of everything they have.
The public guardian’s office alleged in court filings that Sophie Miller got Aloysius Mack, 92, to pay $80,000 for a now-shuttered laundromat business. Mack also bought her a $40,000 van and put her on his bank accounts totaling about $335,000. And she got him to change his will so she would inherit Mack’s Schaumburg home valued at $260,000.
“She scammed me,” Mack says. “And the worst thing of all she stole my hard-earned life savings.”
Mack’s great-niece was appointed his guardian this week and a protection order was entered prohibiting Sophie Miller from contacting him. The Public Guardian’s Office was able to get back $40,000 of the $80,000 he paid for the laundromat.
Now attorneys are trying to get the marriage annulled so they can undo all the legal documents Mack signed tying his finances to her. Cont. (Video/Autoplay)
Story from - CBS Chicago
"We Should Never Have Taken Your Breast Off'" - Woman's Breast Removed After She Was Misdiagnosed With Cancer
Story out of Darwin, Australia:
Two women had their breasts removed unnecessarily after being misdiagnosed with cancer at the Royal Darwin Hospital.
One of the women, Rachel (not her real name), shared her story with 7.30 in the hope of helping others avoid the nightmare she endured.
In July 2013, after getting a routine mammogram, she had a biopsy tested at the Royal Darwin Hospital and a senior surgeon brought her the devastating news that she had breast cancer and her whole left breast would need to be removed "urgently".
"And it was performed rather quickly, within two weeks," she said.
Just weeks later, Rachel was called in to see her surgeon at the hospital.
"And that's when he said to me: 'I've got good news and bad news to tell you: the good news is you don't have breast cancer. The bad news is you never did have breast cancer and we should never have taken your breast off'."
Slowly Rachel began to realise the full magnitude of the error.
"I lost faith in the medical system in Darwin. In fact, after it happened to me, all the colleagues I worked with said, 'Oh, don't you know? You live in Darwin. The saying is: you feel the pain, book a plane. And this information came to me after, a little bit late." Cont.
Story from -
Woman Kills Half-Sister With Chicken Shaped Casserole Dish While Wearing Fake Goatee, Wig
Story out of Hertfordshire, England:
A 53-year-old woman disguised herself with a goatee beard, wig, heavy framed glasses and a hi-vis jacket before killing her half-sister, a court heard today.
Yvonne Caylor had allegedly made herself look like a man before she walked to Nikki Collingbourne's flat and launched the attack with a chicken-shaped ceramic pot.
Ms Collingbourne, 26, was found dead in her underwear lying in a pool of blood at her flat in Letchworth, Hertfordshire, by members of her family.
John Price QC, prosecuting, said today: 'There is no issue Nikki Collingbourne was unlawfully killed by someone. The issue you will have to decide is by whom?'
Caylor, from Hitchin, denies murder on May 23. The trial at Luton Crown Court heard Ms Collingbourne was found dead the day after - next to a shattered pot.
Caylor is alleged to have carried out the killing after being charged with burgling her half sister's flat and attempting to pervert the course of justice. Cont.
Story from - The Daily Mail
Paralyzed 4-Year-Old Girl Found By Towing Company Hours After Car Wreck
Story out of Ector County, Texas:
A family member of Daniela Flores, 4, says the child is paralyzed after a crash on Monday afternoon in Ector County. Flores was overlooked in the car and found later by a towing company.
Flores was in the care of a friend of her mother. The family member says her mother was detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
The friend left the child with a male, who was a driver in the crash. The family member says the driver was taking Flores to eat before the crash.
A spokesperson for the City of Odessa says that the occupants of the three cars involved in the crash were all alert and exited their vehicles while waiting for authorities to arrive.
The driver told officials multiple times there were no other passengers inside of his car.
Flores was found three hours later in the floorboard of the backseat. Officials say she was unconscious, but breathing. Cont.
Story from - Yahoo News
Father Drowns 4-Year-Old In Baptismal Pool
Story out of Healdsburg, California:
A father is suspected of drowning his 4-year-old daughter in a baptismal pool at a Catholic church, Healdsburg Police Chief Kevin Burke said Monday afternoon.
Gerardo Mendoza Ordaz, 42, was found by Healdsburg police naked and screaming for help in a back parking lot of the police station on Center Street around 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Burke said.
His daughter, who was clothed, and his partially-clothed 9-year-old son were with him, Burke said. The girl was unresponsive and after attempts to resuscitate her, she was rushed to Healdsburg District Hospital where she was pronounced dead 90 minutes later. An autopsy was conducted Monday, but Burke said he did not know the results.
The water in the baptismal pool is about a foot deep, Burke said.
Ordaz was arrested for homicide and is being held under no bail in the Sonoma County jail. He is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon in Sonoma County Superior Court. Cont.
Story from - CBS News
Monday, 21 November 2016
'It Was Getting Out Of Control' - Trumpanzees Target Wrong Hamilton On Twitter
Story out of Hamilton, Ontario:
After Donald Trump launched a Twitter broadside against the Broadway show "Hamilton," many of his supporters went on the offensive, too.
But some of them targeted the wrong Hamilton.
Their misdirected anger caused quite a surprise for Riane Leonard, who runs the Twitter account for Hamilton Theatre Inc., a small musical theater company in the Canadian province of Ontario.
When she noticed notifications popping up in the theater's Twitter account over the weekend, she initially thought it was people who had seen the company's current show, "The Toxic Avenger," on Friday night.
The real reason for the Trump supporters' ire was the message delivered by a cast member of "Hamilton" to Vice President-elect Mike Pence who attended the Broadway production Friday night. Actor Brandon Dixon told Pence that the cast hoped "this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us."
Leonard said that as she read through Twitter, she gradually pieced together the source of the confusion.
"These angry Americans had tagged us by mistake," she said. "But by this point, some of them were liking and retweeting. There was really no way of stopping them or correcting them. It was getting a little bit out of control."
The notifications clogging the Canadian theater's Twitter feed eventually turned from negative to positive after Canadian news organization CBC picked up the story. Suddenly, a new crowd of Twitter users were speaking out in favor of the little theater company.
"We've just gotten a massive outpouring of support from people -- not just in Hamilton, in America," Leonard said. "It's been so overwhelming." Cont.
Story from - CNN Money
20 Dead In Libya After Monkey Pulls Off Muslim Girl's Head Scarf
Story out of Sabha, Libya:
At least 20 people are dead after a pet monkey was let loose on a young girl by a group of three men.
The girl’s family sought revenge after the girl was bit and scratched last week and all three men were killed along with the monkey.
But then chaos descended on the city of Sabha, Libya, and many more were killed when it resulted in tribal clashes.
Bader al-Daheli, a civil activist, said that the two main tribes, Awlad Suleiman and Gadhadhfa, are each backed by armed groups. Abdel-Rahman Areish, the head of Sabha hospital, said 20 people have been killed and 50 wounded.
The monkey pulled off one of the girls’ head scarf, leading men from the Awlad Suleiman tribe to retaliate by killing three people from the Gaddadfa tribe as well as the monkey, according to a resident who spoke to Reuters.
During the latest clashes, which took place in the city center, initial attempts by tribal leaders to calm the fighting and arrange a ceasefire so that bodies could be recovered had failed, residents said.
Libya slid into chaos after the 2011 ouster and killing of longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi. Much of the country is effectively ruled by a patchwork of local or tribal militias. Cont.
Story from - Metro
Israeli Activists Put Up Rainbow Flags In Front Of Rabbi's Office After He Calls For The Deaths Of LGBT
Story out of Jerusalem, Israel:
Activists hoisted the LGBT movement’s rainbow flag outside the Jerusalem Sephardi chief rabbi’s office Saturday night after the rabbi’s derogatory comments on gay people over the weekend.
Meretz posted a photograph Sunday morning of its activists at the scene, which also included a chalk drawing of the LGBT colors on the sidewalk outside of Rabbi Shlomo Amar’s office.
In an interview with Israel Hayom published Friday, Amar called men and women from the LGBT community “a cult of abomination” and said they are liable to the death penalty according to Jewish law.
Amar’s comments created a fierce political backlash from members of the Knesset and the Jerusalem City Council who helped get the rabbi, who was Sephardi chief rabbi of Israel from 2003 to 2013, elected to his current post.
As Amar’s comments circulated Thursday in a preview of the article, at least two complaints of incitement were filed against him to police.
In the interview, Amar said he related to Reform Jews through the prism of the biblical injunction against Korah and his followers in Numbers 16 to “turn away from the tents of evil people.”
Asked about his attitude toward the LGBT community, the rabbi said: “This is a cult of abomination, this is clear. This is an abomination. The Torah requires a death sentence for this. This is in the first row of the most severe transgressions.” Cont.
Story from - The Jerusalem Post
Photo from - @meretzparty - Twitter
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